Feather River Art Camp is a unique outdoor art retreat and creative community that annually gathers in the woods for one whole glorious week in June. We welcome you to join our hive of productivity, experimentation, and learning.


Sunday, June 1, 2025
Sunday, June 8, 2025

Exact times for arrival and departure  to be announced



Oakland Feather River Camp
5469 Oakland Camp Rd. Quincy, CA 95971
office only – 2512 13th Ave. Oakland, CA 94606, CA

Driving Directions


Karen LeGault
2512 13th Ave.
Oakland, CA 94606
Feather River Art Camp

[email protected]

Please complete and submit the following form to register for Feather River Art Camp 2025

Step 1 of 8

Notes on completing this form

One form must be completed for each camper. If you cannot proceed to the next page, check that you have filled out all required fields. (Missed fields will display an error message in small red print.) If you need to pause completion of your Registration, scroll down to the bottom of the page and press on Save and Resume Later. Then enter your email address to receive a link allowing you to return to the form later on. Your registration will remain incomplete until you press the Submit button on the last page.

Personal Information

This is our primary method to share camp information with you. We encourage art campers to receive these updates at least until the start of the camp session.

The newsletter comes from: Feather River Art Camp/Karen LeGault ~ Fine Art, 2512 13th Ave., Oakland, CA 94606, United States http://featherriverartcamp.com. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.